Saturday, July 24, 2010

why i've been gone so long...

Okay.  It's been nearly a month since I last posted and it has been killing me.  About 5 weeks ago, I received word that my company would be transferring me to a new job in a new state.  Now I realized that this isn't always good news, but in my case, it is.  My family and I are very excited about our new move, and so for the past 3 weeks I have been living out of a hotel in western PA.

 postcard courtesy of

Needless to say, living out of (cheap) hotel isn't exactly conducive to sewing and between a new job and traveling back and forth between upstate NY and western PA has taken up a lot of time and energy.  But I am moving into a more permanent place on Monday with the family following soon thereafter, so I should have something to post by the end of next week (there, a posted I have to do it).

In case there is anyone out there who misses me and projects, rest assured I have not given up my passion.  I just had to take a little break to be able to refocus that energy elsewhere.  But with the change brings all kinds of new opportunities...especially those that contribute to rethinking and recreating a home.

In the meantime, I did want to mention that (a month ago), I was actually featured on another blog (I can't believe it).  Jodi at Pleasant Home found my blog through my quilt entry into the Blogger Quilt Festival this Spring and she was kind enough to mention some other creations she enjoyed from my blog.  I still can't believe it.  I am so excited!  So if you are looking for some good blog reading before my return, jump on over to her blog and check it out.

simply square button

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